Showroom Visit Reservation Campaign: First-come-first-served gift for those who make a reservation via the web.

Kitchen 5 Concept

What is a Toyo Kitchen Style kitchen like?

1. Design
2.Function (Zero flow)
3. Quality

The video introduces in detail the five basic concepts of TOYO KITCHEN STYLE.

Toyo Kitchen Style's kitchens have always evolved for a new era based on our stainless steel processing technology, which we have been proud of for more than 80 years since the company was founded.

The five basic concepts discussed in this video are the basis of Toyo Kitchen Style's development for comfortable living in the kitchen.
If you can relate to these concepts after watching the video, please visit our showroom to try out the actual products.

1. Original development of world-standard kitchen design.
2. We reduce the line of flow in the kitchen to zero, Zero flow kitchen ® .
3. We use the best materials for kitchens and offer high quality that can only be achieved by handmade products.
4. We value the environment to make kitchens comfortable to use for a long time.
5. Research and development of the latest technology for an alternative lifestyle.

Click here to see Toyo Kitchen Style showrooms nationwide.

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Click here to view the regular version of the movie.

MOVIE Normal version

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