
 Living・Dining ・Kitchenの頭文字をとった言葉です。
 では、家族が集まるスペースはLDKのうちの何処なのかという事を考える必要があると思います。リビングなのか? ダイニングなのか? キッチンなのかですね。
There is a word LDK.
It is a word that an acronym for Living · Dining · Kitchen.
In most families spend location other than the bedroom in the house, in recent years are tought wall that partitioned the LDK, house to consider the LDK as one of the space has been increased. The trendy recently most of the “renovation” things that get rid of the wall of the LDK is I think that appear.
Then, thinking here is, why there is no wall of LDK, is that what people prefer to to one large space of has increased.
This is, in making “dwelling”, and instead of thinking in favor of space for our customers, family gatherings, we believe that the location spend a thing that has become many people think preferentially.
So, I think space the family gather, it is necessary to think about the fact that somewhere a of of the LDK. It is whether it is a living that? The dining or? Kitchen are.
So think and it is the word LDK, but first thought from living, then thought the dining, and finally will be taken to that think about the kitchen. However, when actually thought of as easy location family gathered, made to the fact that the kitchen was a or dining, it is not to mention the that never is in the living room.
Rather than a statement of LDK, you have while using it that the word KDL I want to think about making “dwelling” to think from the “kitchen”.

投稿者 nabe : 2015年04月11日 12:02